Project Info:
Ingredients Needed for Project:
- 1 Lobster Clasp
- 1 Spool KO Thread
- 1 Yard 1.5mm Leather
- 1 Tube Ruby Slippers- July 2021 Monthly Mix
- 1 Tube Full Tilas
- 1 Pr Crimp Ends
- 1 Briolette
- 1 Metal Bead
- 1 Pr Cord End Caps
- 1 Pkg 6mm Jump Rings
- 1 Ft Chain
- 1 26G ParaWire
- 1 Pkg Head Pins
- Needles
- Zap Glue
Additional Learning:
- 1 Lobster Clasp
- 1 Spool KO Thread
- 1 Yard 1.5mm Leather
- 1 Tube Ruby Slippers- July 2021 Monthly Mix
- 1 Tube Full Tilas
- 1 Pr Crimp Ends
- 1 Briolette
- 1 Metal Bead
- 1 Pr Cord End Caps
- 1 Pkg 6mm Jump Rings
- 1 Ft Chain
- 1 26G ParaWire
- 1 Pkg Head Pins
- Needles
- Zap Glue
Level: All
Estimated time: Weekend
Red Delicious
Project Map
Project and Sample by Janice Parsons
When Janice loves something, you'll always know it. And Ruby Slippers, July 2021's Monthly Mix, is something she loves! Check out this fun wrap she created with it! Adding just a few extra items to the mix, Ruby Slippers really does the talking here. We love how she uses those crimps to bookend her looming and start right up with laddering. Great use of these components! The two halves of this bracelet create 3-4 wraps, each section being about 1.5-2 wraps each. Create to the length that suits you! Adding the chain and a lobster claw makes the bracelet adjustable--great for gift-giving and selling! So smart.
Janice "made" the loom by using the deep dish and wrapping the KO around it, as we do in Tricks to Looming. Create the loomed piece first to the length you desire. When you are ready to cut it off the board, leave all the tails at least 10" on each side. Then weave each thread back into the piece, zig zagging at least three rows in, and trim tails. The Marrakesh crimps have been carefully glued to the loomed piece by adding Zap glue inside the crimp, sliding it onto the loomed piece, and then carefully using nylon jawed pliers to crimp the ends close. Don't over crimp! You can break your beads that way.
The rest of the 5 wrap is done with the Infinity Stitch laddering technique. End with a Petite Distressed End Cap at both ends, and also add a bit of Zap glue here...then carefully crimp close.
The beauty of Red Delicious is that it is completely adjustable, as JP ended it with a chain extender, just like a necklace.
Find ingredient quantities listed above for easy shopping, and find our other Leather & Looming samples here.
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