Soft Flex 101 Recipe

Designing from scratch is often tricky for anyone trying to make unique jewelry. Choose a variety of beads and watch both our FB Live Episodes on Soft Flex stringing to get insider tips on how we build a design from scratch. Create masterful jewelry in minutes and learn our tricks to patterning, necklace design, and stringing on SoftFlex. Then, construct your own unique designs that have your color style, AKA: “beadprint.” No one can create the same way you can!
Helpful Learning:
- Skillbuilder: Using Crimps, Guardians, and Covers
- Facebook LIVE: Part 1, from 5.10.17
- Facebook LIVE: Part 2, from 5.17.17
- Facebook Live: The Gatsby Necklace 12.20.17
- Episode Notes, Part 1
- Episode Notes, Part 2
- Episode Notes, 12.20.18
- Sketch-a-Necklace Design Paper (PDF)
- Tricks of the Trade Class Handout
See the recipe below and click on product links to make your own color selections. Another great way to shop, especially if you're looking to make a monochromatic style like we did with The Gatsby Necklace, is through our Color Collection. Add to your cart the in the colors you like and you’re ready to create!
- 1 Spool Soft Flex Beading Wire
- 1 Pkg Crimp Tubes
- 1 Pkg Crimp Covers
- 1 Clasp or Button
- A Wide Variety of Beads:
- Stones, pearls, Czech Glass, and more can make the perfect showcase for a Soft Flex project. You will certainly want your main beads to be the star of the show, but they'll need backup, so...
- Don't forget spacers! To let your larger beads breathe and show them off, consider seed beads, heishi, Little Shadows, and even small gemstone rondelles. Bugles also make a great statement and draw attention to the beads they surround.
- You may also want some larger beads for focal points. Janice and Kate used carved butterflies in two of these projects, but our Vintage Finds Carved Components, Tribal and Trade beads, and larger Czech beads such as Rollers, Daisies, and Saturns make great standouts to bead around.
You will also want to have: Maxi Shear Flush Wire Cutters and Xuron 4-in-1 Crimper