Project Info:
Quantity Needed for Project:
- 1 Button
- 1 Spool Regular C-Lon
- 1 Spool Fine C-Lon
- 2 Yards 2mm Leather
- 11 Tubes 8/0 Seed Beads
- 1 Tube GS Hypo Cement
Additional Learning:
- 1 Button
- 1 Spool Regular C-Lon
- 1 Spool Fine C-Lon
- 2 Yards 2mm Leather
- 11 Tubes 8/0 Seed Beads
- 1 Tube GS Hypo Cement
Level: All
Estimated time: 4-6 Hours
Project Map
Inspired by a painting by Claire Koperwas

This summer, we have a fresh spin on our Farmer's Market series. When we welcomed our new photography and graphics guru, Claire, to the BSDC team we discovered something fun: Claire sells her artwork at her local Farmer's Market! The gears started turning...what if, instead of being inspired by photos of fruits and veggies, we took Claire's artwork as inspiration? It is a fun one-off that we could not resist. So say hello to Claire, her artwork (find her paintings here!), and four new samples for Farmer's Market, each one inspired by a painting of Claire's.
Sailboat's ombré colors gave Alley both her palette and pattern. Using simple laddering and strategic bead placement, you can see each wrap blend seamlessly together to create the ocean's waves, white sails, the fading sunset...and even wee seagulls! Clever, as always, Alley
From the button end, use traditional laddering and strategic bead placement to recreate the design and texture of ocean waves, a sunset, and the sailboat! Follow along with the Project Map photo above, or use graph paper to help sort your plan out. Each wrap of 8/0s is laddered with Fine C-Lon. Between each wrap, Alley has a macramé transition, using regular C-Lon. each of these is also decorated with a signature Alley twist: a simple row of 8/0s over the center of each transition. It adds a little something extra! Macramé with Regular C-Lon around the button hole for added oomph! Try adding a charm, like Out to Sea!
Find ingredient quantities for Sailboat listed above for easy shopping, and find our other samples here.
Please join us as our worldwide community gathers on Facebook and YouTube at 10:30am Pacific Time on June 30, 2021. It’s so much fun to go live with us and bead together! After the live broadcast the video will be available above.
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