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Peridot Sea 8.21 Recipe

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Peridot Sea 8.21 Recipe

8-1014 Silver-Lined Chartreuse AB

Miyuki Seed Beads- 8/0

$4.25 USD

8-14F Matte Silver-Lined Chartreuse

Miyuki Seed Beads- 8/0

$4.95 USD

8-2316 Matte Opaque Lime

Miyuki Seed Beads- 8/0

$8.95 USD

8-4698 Frosted Op Glazed Rainbow Kiwi

Miyuki Seed Beads- 8/0

$7.55 USD

8-571 Dyed Mint Green S/L Alabaster

Miyuki Seed Beads- 8/0

$4.35 USD

8-2605 Sparkling Aqua Green-Lined Crystal

Miyuki Seed Beads- 8/0

$4.00 USD

8-4217F Duracoat Galvanized Matte Dark Sea Foam

Miyuki Seed Beads- 8/0

$7.75 USD

8-2030 Matte Metallic Steel Blue Luster

Miyuki Seed Beads- 8/0

$8.95 USD

8-158 Transparent Olive

Miyuki Seed Beads- 8/0

$3.25 USD

Project Map

August is here and so is the birthstone beloved by summer babes: peridot! Kate's mother is an August baby, and her favorite colors are the fresh green of peridot and the calming color of teal. With this in mind, Kate and Janice whipped up a blend that was sure to delight Guin...and all of you, too! But wait, there's more...

While mixing, Kate had a stroke of genius. Seeing the blues in one bin and the greens in another, Kate came up with our first ever Monthly Mix Two-fer. This month's mix is two-in-one, with a mini tube of greens (Peridot!) and a mini tube of blues (Sea!). Keep them separate or mix them together (see photo below)--it's up to you. No matter your choice, the results will be beautiful.