Project Info:
Level: All Levels
Estimated time: Improve Your Technique
Silk Wrapping is an ancient technique used by many cultures to tie off beads on raffia, close off Kimono cording or use in jewelry as seen in sample below. In many cases, the silk wrap is so secure, you never need to use glue to finish. We are showing the Steps ending with a dab of GS Hypo-Tube Cement for those new to the technique. But if you ask Janice, she would say….Pull the knot into the middle of the silk wrap and it’s not going anywhere!” Be sure to practice and come to your own conclusions about gluing or not gluing. It is easiest to learn to silk wrap over a cord that is secured to a board. Please Download the handout for complete instructions
How to Silk Wrap
Project Map
A silk wrap may seem daunting, but it's easy once you've practiced and gotten then hang of it--we promise! Practice truly does make perfect. Try making a large-scale silk wrap using a cardboard tube (like from a roll of paper towels) and some rattail to practice on.
We've done silk wraps with all sorts of's not just for thread! Here, we show you silk wraps using skinny 0.5mm leather, waxed linen, Regular C-Lon, and Chinese Knotting Cord.
We've done silk wraps with all sorts of's not just for thread! Here, we show you silk wraps using skinny 0.5mm leather, waxed linen, Regular C-Lon, and Chinese Knotting Cord.