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Lavender Haze 2.23 Recipe


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Lavender Haze 2.23 Recipe

8-13F Matte SL Dark Smoky Amethyst

Miyuki Seed Beads- 8/0

$4.25 USD

8-312 Amethyst Gold Luster

Miyuki Seed Beads- 8/0

$6.95 USD

8-526 Silver Gray Ceylon

Miyuki Seed Beads- 8/0

$3.85 USD

8-4556 Azuro Matte

Miyuki Seed Beads- 8/0

$7.75 USD

8-2377 Lavendar

Miyuki Seed Beads- 8/0

$7.95 USD

8-410FR Matte Opaque Mauve AB

Miyuki Seed Beads- 8/0

$4.65 USD

8-576 Dyed Smoky Opal S/L Alabaster

Miyuki Seed Beads- 8/0

$4.25 USD

Project Map

A new year means a new theme for Monthly Mixes! This year, we're looking at "The World Around Us." Be it a place, a work of art, a piece of music, even a scent! For February, we're singing you a love song...

Full disclosure: Drea is a Swiftie. That's a Taylor Swift fan, for those not in the know.

As soon as Drea heard the song Lavender Haze on Ms. Swift's latest album, clouds of purples were swimming in her head and a mix was born. Inspired by a phrase she heard on the TV show Mad Men, Taylor describes the Lavender Haze as the "all-encompassing love glow" and her song is about protecting that feeling. Taylor and her music may not be for everyone (and this song does have some cuss words in it), but I think we all know that young love feeling.

With deep purples, grays, and lots of Matte and Luster finishes, these seed beads blend into the perfect love-mix. We hope you love it, too!

You can find many ideas of what we’ve done with past Monthly Mixes here

When sold out, or if you’d like to purchase the individual  beads used in these mixes, the beads used are: