Project Info:
Ingredients Needed for Project:
- 1 5mm Clasp For Leather
- 1 Nest Irish Waxed Linen
- 1 pkg 1mm Leather
- 1 16G ParaWire
- 1 26G ParaWire
- Zap Glue
Additional Learning:
- 1 5mm Clasp For Leather
- 1 Nest Irish Waxed Linen
- 1 pkg 1mm Leather
- 1 16G ParaWire
- 1 26G ParaWire
- Zap Glue
Level: Intermediate
Estimated time: 2 Hours
Infinite Possibilities
Project Map
Project and samples by Kate Richbourg
Kate's creativity strikes again! And with it comes this bracelet idea that's truly full of infinite possibilities for your to create your way. On Wednesday, 7.21.21, Kate had a wire play day planned, but with no project in mind...just creating whatever ideas came to her. Out of that show, a sweet little Infinity symbol was made. Using 16g wire, bent in two S-shapes, hammered, and wire together with 26g wire, Kate started the journey. She then decorated this component with a length of Irish Waxed linen woven in and around the two S-shapes, also in an Infinity pattern.
On Friday's FTF, airing on 7.23.21, she took it a step further, creating a bracelet with the component. Add a little leather and a clasp...perfection! Using the same Irish Waxed Linen to silk wrap and a dab of Zap glue in the clasp, Kate had a bracelet in no time flat. To sweeten the deal, Kate also showed how you can create the bracelet with focal beads, too, like the handmade metal bead shown in the photo above. You really do have Infinite Possibilities! Like we always say, you do you! And have fun!!
Watch both episodes for all the details!
Find ingredient quantities listed above for easy shopping, and find our other wire projects here.
Please join us as our worldwide community gathers on Facebook and YouTube at 10:30am Pacific Time for Beadshop LIVEs and Free Tip Fridays. It’s so much fun to go live with us and bead together! After the live broadcast the video will be available above.
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