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Hi Everyone!

I’m Jen and I’m a Bay Area native born and raised in San Francisco and the Peninsula. Although I started out as a First Grade Teacher, I serendipitously migrated to the job I have now at beadshop.com and I’m happy as a clam. As Fulfillment Manager and Project Coordinator, I’m busy leading our team in order filling and keeping the bigger picture of project ingredients and kit assembly flowing smoothly. To keep my creative skills honed, I love to ladder. My favorite color is pink, but if it’s delicate and shiny, it’s in my wheelhouse! I also gravitate to gold and leather as I did in New Romance (one of my first projects when I started working here).

As Mom to Damien, an active and inquisitive 5 year old, I keep myself very busy with his school and activities. It’s challenging to muster the energy to keep up with a five year old, but we both love sporting events, like basketball and football, so there’s always something to do. You can always find me trying out a new restaurant with friends or planning a trip, as I love to travel.